i have the same issue, i called and was told i would have to send remote in to get repaired. i just wanted to purchase new one, Outlaw's answer was no. I went on line to a foreign company dvd-audio general. they said they have remotes that work. for 45.00 i received 3 remotes and that included freight, and the remote works. one issue is this remote is not labeled, so they give you a sheet and to be honest about it, i just use this to turn on and off and volume control which is the problem with the original, i do use the original to change inputs. this is a late answer but i just resolved my issue a few months ago and have been intentionally staying off this site because of grownups acting like bullies in high school over music. it a hobby not a matter of life and death. well that's my rant for this year. hope everyone has the rest of a happy 2024.