I have run many many pre/pro's over the last 2yrs..have had classe..krell..proceed..Nuforce...parasound ..Emotiva....you know...all the higher end players but not the most recent models ..only the ones I could afford for under $1k.

right now I am running an older Sherwood Newcastle AVR the R-972 with the Trinnov EQ which people who use it say its still on another level . I havent set up the trinnov yet but as it is right now for music it is killer. better than all the units I have tried.

But I have always wanted a 976 and I am wondering how they sound for music..mainly 2.1 music. I use my sytem for music most of the time 80/20 so music quality is more important than the movie.

so how is it? im on the fence about giving up the Trinnov