Yeh, the web site is a little cheezy and I've grown accustomed to seeing lots of information from a manufacturer (e.g. response plots). None of that is on the M&K site and while I may not hear "ripoff" the voice in my head loudly says "Caution".

I too will look at other speakers if the need arises. For me the custom DIY market (Selah, Rythmik. etc) may allow me to indulge my woodworking and audio/HT hobbies at the same time.

I hope the new M&K has the right stuff to survive in a very competitive market for those folks that want to upgrade, add to a current system, or enjoy what current M&K owners experience.
Outlaw 976 | ATI 2005 | M&K 850s Left, Center & Right, Surround-55s, MX-70B Sub | Harmony 950 remote | Panamax 5100 | OPPO UDP-203 | LG OLED55B7