Many of those questions will likely be answered by the user manual. Outlaw has been very good about building a usable manual which details the operation of their equipment. Maybe we could get a sneak peek at the manual once everything is ready for release. They typically post the manual when the machine hits the product page and it has in the past been available for people to use before purchase. Once users get some experience they will post on the product forum for future users to review. One of the things I see all the time on the various forums are posts from people who did not review the available documentation before purchase and then find the equipment lacking in some respect. The various reviews from the industry mags will also be posted by Outlaw on the product page with links to allow folks to get all the info up front.
Music system
Model 990/7500/Magnepan 1.6 QRs/Technics SL1200 MK2/Aperion S-12 Subwoofer/OWA3/Sony NS75H DVD
APC H15 Power Conditioner

TV System
Large Advent Loudspeakers/ Polk center/Monoprice surrounds/Panasonic Viera 42 inch/Onkyo HT-RC260/Sony BDP S590/Directv

Home Theater System
Onkyo PR-SC886/Outlaw 7125 Klipsch RF-82 L/R,RC-62 center, RB-35 SR/SL, BENQ HT1075, Outlaw LFM1-EX/OPPO BDP-83/Directv
Harmony ONE
Blue Jeans and Monoprice interconnects
APC H15 Power Conditioner