I have the RR2150 w/ USB "in" from a USB "out" on my 6-year old Dell Inspiron desk top computer.

When I first hooked up my system, I tried a USB out directly from the back of my computer. There was very perceptible digital backgound noise on the line, with and without program content.

I tried another USB port from a powered hub. The signal was much cleaner, but there is still a little background noise, but much less, perhaps 80% less than the first connection. I tried both with two different USB cables. The run is about six feet.

What trouble shooting sequence would you suggest?

Reroute the USB cable?

Add a choke on my USB cable? Type?

Get expensive USB cable? Brand?

Get a new sound card? (I understand the USB out bypasses the computer's sound card. Is this correct?)

New computer? How would I be sure this wouldn't still happen?

Separate dedicated digital player? Are these totally noise free?


Or should I expect a little bit of phssst, hsshssst, like low volume frying bacon in the background from any USB source?

Edited by Clarinet (01/13/15 08:43 PM)
Outlaw RR2150, Definitive BP8040 speakers (2), Behringer 9 band graphic equalizer. Music sources: CDs, ripped CDs, MP3, some FLAC via desktop computer; tablets via Bluetooth receiver on Outlaw amp.