First of all I'd like to say Hello to everyone on this forum. You have a great community.

After about 25 years my receiver finally kicked the bucket. I've done some research and decided to go with either the 990/7125 combination or the 990/7500 combination. Due to space limitations my current speakers (25 years old also.....couldn't hurt to buy new ones) need to be replaced.

I've listened to quite a few speakers in the $1000 to $2000 range, the speakers that I found that were most to my liking is the Totem Sttaf.

I did some searches in the forum and saw a few posts where people were thinking of buying the Staff but never replied confirming whether thay had bought them and how they sounded in conjunction with Outlaw equipment.

Is anyone using Totem speakers with Outlaw electronics?

Thanks in advance.
