Here's the thing...

Do I think it's possible to create a bare bones processor with decent sound quality on a frugal budget? Yes. The silicon is out there.

Do I think people will buy a relatively inexpensive bare bones processor with decent sound quality that lacks room correction? I'm inclined to think least not in quantities that would be interesting to a company like outlaw. I hope I'm mistaken.

A few months ago, I would have had a different answer to the second question. I thought my room was OK, my amp was King Kong, and that I didn't want any of that fancy stuff in the signal path. Since then, I've had a chance to play with and use Audyssey room correction. There's no going back. And that's coming from someone who used to be happy with 2 channels of EL34 goodness fed to circa-1990 Dahlquist speakers through a tricked-out Dynaco pre-amp. How the times have changed. smile

I'll be curious to hear the new unit and may even order one to audition it, but Outlaw's got a tough row to hoe here.


Edited by Ritz2 (10/01/12 06:44 PM)