"State of the Art" and "Entry Level" need not be mutually exclusive. In addition, one man's "entry" is another man's "high end", so it all depends on your viewpoint and what your level of sophistication and budget requirements are.

Don't you think it would be good idea to wait until you can see it, hear it and know what the price is before you make this kind of pronouncement? The whole idea of doing a smart "State of the Art" product is to do it with the right features and performance at the right price.

It has been said that "You're entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts." True, indeed, I respect your opinion, but why not wait until you see what it is -- which is to say have the facts. THEN make the judgement. State of the Art can differ within prices, as well. But, you ARE entitled to your own opinion. So are the rest of us.