Being made in the USA would add close to zero value for me. It's all about the finished product, and if it had come to fruition, I don't think building it in the US would have increased the quality.

The issue with USA production is that a lot of people in the US are lazy. There are too many firms who are simply not interested in making money unless it's a bucketload of money and comes nearly for free, without any effort expended. As soon as it comes time to actually put in work, all bets are off. Don't get me wrong, it's almost the same situation in Canada and even many parts of Europe. The fact is that many overseas companies are much hungrier for income and it shows in their willingness to work and develop.
Willingness to sweat.

You'll see a lot of talk about the depressed economy in the media and the lack of work, etc... And it's a shame that a lot of the folks affected don't have opportunities while may of their compatriots regularly refuse potential work.