My its been awhile since I posted here. I had to go look at my register date to be sure--yep, its closing in on five years, now. My earliest posts were concerning the replacement pre-pro for the 990, which I have used and enjoyed immensely since its purchase in '04, I think, along with five 2200's and about a grand worth of cables. When I caught wind that Outlaw was designing a replacement I pre-registered for the new one--almost five years ago...

I have since run completely out of patience. Just this last Wed. I received my brand-spankin' new 'Signature Edition' Integra 80.3 from the Upgrade Company. They, too, have been a pleasure to work with and I look forward to being a long-term and loyal customer.

Outlaw, for me, has lost its luster, even though, right now, I have a couple hundred dollars worth of cables in my cart. I am also considering that wireless transmitter doohickie for my 2 LFM-ex1's. I just don't see myself buying anymore big-ticket items from the Outlaws.

Happy Trails, pardners...
It is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission...