I'm not sure just how far "out west" the tour is going, but I do know that Waters plans to put on a "very special" Wall performance in Quebec when the tour wraps, that is, the last tour date is in Quebec; purportedly, it will be the largest wall ever constructed on the tour. I think that I also read he had hinted at some 'special elements' to this particular show ...it kind of makes me wonder if David Gilmour would play lead for the last show. To this day, the two leads (played by DG) in "Comfortably Numb" are, in my opinion, as close to perfect guitar solos as is possible. Who knows? maybe the otehr members of the Band would also join. It could happen...right?

Still, if I think about hearing "Outside the Wall" performed live, to wrap up the show for the very last time (almost certainly, they won't tour this again), I have to think that it would be one great moment for all of the fans and followers who will be there. Frankly, I'd throw my own grandmother out of an airplane to get choice tickets to that show.

OK, I wouldn't really throw her out of an airplane, but I couldn't resist quoting / paraphrasing Steve Martin (in "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid").

Anyway...even if you have to travel a bit (assuming he's bringing the tour close to Vancouver), it is most assuredly worth the effort to experience the show.
old_school_2 ... the user formerly known as "old_school"
skype: mark.a.jay
email: mark@immersifi.com
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