Originally Posted By: BadLikeJesseJames
I just saw it in Portland, for the 9th time.

Wow. My envy knows no bounds. Seeing it (only) once was transformative for me...and I can completely see why you would want to see / experience it more than once.

Your statements about the overall experience (and what a lot of us strive to reproduce in a good / great home theater) are also rather apropos; this show is an experience like no other, and indeed, it serves as a sort of reference for what a live experience should sound (and feel) like. Then again...there truly is no way to replicate this kind of show at home; between the visual effects, the sound system, the wall itself, and the music (indeed, executed by a KILLER band), it's a textbook example of a true sensory experience.

I honestly don't think that any future concert event that I could attend will ever best this show.

The web (youtube) is replete with (regrettably, but understandably) low-res / fi clips from various shows, but if you want a taste...just peruse those threads. On the otehr hand, I deliberately stayed away from such threads, mainly because I wanted to see, for myself, without any preconceived notions if it was all that it had been cracked up to be.

It wasn't. It was far, far, far better than that which I was expecting...in fact, I would say, infinitely so.

BaldLikeJesseJames is right: "There is no parallel".

Go see...no, check that... go EXPERIENCE this event...I know there's too mucyh hyperbole these days, but I am dead serious when I say I will remember this experience for the rest of my life.
old_school_2 ... the user formerly known as "old_school"
skype: mark.a.jay
email: mark@immersifi.com
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