So here's the situation...

In addition to my main system being run by a 990, I have a couple of NAD pieces that I picked up over the years that are used in other rooms' systems, and neither one came with a remote...however, both are remote capable (models 1600 & 1700).

I have a Home Theater master MX-500, and though I was able to use one of the codes they had listed for NAD audio (preamps / receivers), and I now have somewhat limited functionality (essentially able to raise / lower the volume and invoke the 'low level' gain function), but like all of us from time to time, I would like 'more'.

Since the MX-500 can learn other codes, the simplest thing would be to borrow such a remote and simply teach my MX-500 the commands, and assign them to the buttons / pages that I would like. The trouble is, of course, that I can think of / find no one locally that has an original NAD remote (from the 1600 or 1700) that I could borrow for this purpose. Outlaw any of you out there reading this have, perchance, such an item in your possession? If so, would you be willing to loan it to me long enough to get the codes programmed into (actually 'learned by') my MX-500? I'd be willing to pay postage etc... I just don't want to shell out a bunch of dough for a now-rare remote that I won't really use (after I have taught the commands to the MX-500).

I know...I'm a cheap bast$#d, but I thought that I would ask.


old_school_2 ... the user formerly known as "old_school"
skype: mark.a.jay