We are all going to be geezers by the time namesake of this particuar forum is available.

Sorry Outlaw...couldn't resist a setup like that : ).

While I'm bothering to post I'll address the original question in this topic - the Integra 80.3 seems the most intriguing to me, even though I'm not really a big Integra fan (not for any great reasons or any I'll bore people with...they just aren't at the top of my list). The thing is, if Outlaw can get their new processor out, there will probably be a lot demand (relatively speaking)...there just hasn't been many options for folks who want a processor, want current HDMI capability, but don't want to spend multiple 1000s of $ for one. The apparent added focus on audio would seal the deal for me, and XT32 will make it a no-brainer for many. I'm sort of waiting for Outlaw to re-engerize the hobby.