Originally Posted By: renov8r
Yep every reciever that has any kind of line level out is really just a pre-pro in disguise, PLUS they throw in those magically rated amps. Wow you've really uncovered quite a conspiracy.

Bugatti is really just selling a "reference design" Miata with a very fancy faceplate, eh?

LOL. Someone said Denon didn't sell a pre-pro (not sure if it was you and I'm too lazy to go look). I provided an example of a unit that is for sale NOW, and it's also offering networking features which you feel are "not important" all at a price point that's likely to be less than the Outlaw product. They do have one thing in common though....both manufactured in China.

Your usage of misdirection and hyperbole simply shows the threadbare underpinnings of your position...whatever that may be...it seems to shift to all manner of things as you wiggle around the issue(s).

Let's confine ourselves to things that are factual, shall we?

1. Outlaw's pre-pro product is several YEARS late. First it was the 997...then the 998...then the 978. *yawn*
2. In the interim, the market has continued to mature and the 978 lacks some features that are common on similar gear available now at much lower price points.
3. Outlaw lacks any direct control over the production of the hardware or the software running on it. It is outsourcing both to "partners" located in China.
4. Outlaw hasn't been particularly open about the reasons for the delay.

That's pretty much all we "know" for now. The rest is all conjecture. I will say that I don't recognize the current "attitude" of Outlaw compared to what the company was like when I invested $4-5k in their equipment 7 years ago. Times change, I guess.


Edited by Ritz2 (02/13/12 02:42 PM)