Jeebus, you're going far what end...who knows? Wow, Tom Holman...there's a name I haven't heard in ages. I've still got an original Apt pre-amp that was designed by Tom. Not sure what your fascination is with EveAnna, though I suspect she'd get a kick out of it. We actually went to college together and I started off my audiophile odyssey with a pair of VTL compact 100's. Not sure what that has to do with anything, but since you're sharing, I felt obligated to contribute. LOL

As for the Outlaw pre-amp, you're fooling yourself if you think it's going to turn out to be anything more than a reference design from some other player in an Outlaw box with (perhaps) some firmware bits unique to Outlaw's "design." If/when the darned thing ever ships, surely someone can open one up and confirm that. Given the cozy relationship with D&M Holdings, that's where I'd place my bet. That doesn't make Outlaw bad or incompetent, but nobody is going to design and build a custom unit at that price point and with what I'd imagine are going to be relatively low production numbers.

Re: Scott

He's a great guy and I've spoken to him a couple of times on the phone. However, he's not an engineer or a software developer. Call Outlaw's number and ask him for yourself.

As for my distaste for production in China, I think we all know where I stand. Feed that monster at your own peril.


Edited by Ritz2 (02/10/12 10:51 AM)