The correlation is time between announcement and actually delivery to customer. You have stated in a previous post concerning Emotiva: "The release date is slated for June/July" which is 5 months from now which is consistent with a lot of new products released to the market.

Just take a look at most consumer electronic such as TV's or even observe the musical instrument companies. From the time that they actual show a new product to when it's actually available to you is always a period of time. The new Tv lines were shown last month but will not start to be available until the end of March through the end of June. The new Yamaha, Denon's and Onkyo we read about 6 months before we can purchase one.

That brings us back to Outlaw. They haven't even officially announced the 978 is set to go and being sent to manufacturer. As far as we know, or best guess, there are some units being tested. So lets assume for sake of discussion that Outlaw does the grand unveiling this week. Just how long from now do you think that Fedex will drop one at our door?