Unions killed manufacturing in America and sent the factories packing and they ain’t coming back for good reasons. Americans have a sense of self-entitlement, they think because they were born in the wealthiest Nation in the world they are owed a standard of living well beyond what the rest have. They, or their Unions, demand $25 hr. for an illiterate employee with a 5th grade education to pull a lever on a production line. A GM production line employee puts in only 5 years on the job and yet has a pension & healthcare for life – what do you think those billions we gave them recently went to, we bailed out the Unions not GM and yet the Unions are still here, and ready to strike again. Union construction jobs require a “union” elevator operator to push the buttons on the elevator at a jobsite and when he does not show up – the entire jobsite shuts down because no one else can push that damn button! Seen that on happen myself.

And people wonder why American’s don’t make anything anymore? American's don't want low paying jobs, we don't starve to death in the streets if we don't work as I have seen in many countries, in fact America is the only Nation in the world who's poor are obese!

I have an American two-channel system, got my Manly Stingray II last February for $2,800. Same integrated Amp today is $5,600 because they are made in “Chino not China” and raised their prices 80%. Why anyone would want to run a manufacturing plant in the most business-unfriendly State in the union is beyond me, and the consumer pays for that honor. It’s a very sweet tube integrated and I love its sound, but it’s not worth $6,000. Just this week the volume knob went out on it - is that the Union America Quality I paid so much for?

Unions were necessary at one time, they did great things for the workers of America but there time has LONG passed and with orgnizations like OSHA we don't need them as watchdogs.

Another thing that really pisses me off about Unions as a Vetran who has fought for this country; in every war since WWI Unions who were producing vital wartime supplies had held strikes for higher wages. FDR had to intervene in WWII and most recently in Iraqi Freedom the Commanding Officer had to relieve Union dock workers and replaced them with his own troops because they refused to work longer then 8 hours and demanded breaks every 2 hours. The 101 Airborne had a Goddamn WAR to get to and these great American Union workers could not even put aside their "union values" long enough to help send these boys off to kill and die for them. It makes me sick every time I see those "Union Pride" bumper-stickers, what a friggin oxymoron - Union PRIDE!!!

Did you know that the labor cost on a union made car in Detroit is TWICE that of a non-union BMW or Nissan build car in Georgia, and that these Georgia non-union autoworkers actually make more money then their union counterparts? The Unions have tried like hell to to get into these plants and the workers DO NOT WANT THEM!

Unions are on their way out, the sooner the better.
Manley Stingray II
Merlin TSM-MMI w/Master RC
Sound Anchor 4-Post Mass-Loaded Stands
Eastern Electric Mini-Max DAC
Vortex Appliance
Squeezebox Touch w/Bolder digital mod & PS
Cardas Speaker/Interconnect Cables
Velodyne EQ-Max 10

65" Panasonic VT-30 ISF Calibrated
Outlaw 7700
Outlaw 990
Integra 80.2
Onix Ref 1.5 - Ref-100 w/Ninja Masters/NoRez
Oppo BDP-93
Furman Elite
BlueJean Cables