Timely article --- http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/22/busine...;pagewanted=all

The key points touch on the fact that there are simply too many downsides beyond costs of trying to get anything built by US electronics assemblers. Given that it is a story in the NYTimes they bend themselves in knots trying to avoid implicating traditional supporters of the party of the donkey, but it is hard not to read the article and see where factory owners and investors undoubtedly would have loved to be able to offer firms like Apple the flexibalities that are impossible in an environment where the work situation / hiring status of every employee is subject to rules laid out by DOJ attorneys...

The perhaps unintended consquences of using legislation and collective bargaining to bolster the "rights" of American laborers has been to so severaly curtail the employment of such workers as to render them nearly extinct.