Originally Posted By: Ritz2
Originally Posted By: casey01
In recent years, there has been considerable consolidation in the CE industry and I am afraid even the venerable brand McIntosh is no longer a US based company having been purchased a number of years ago by D&M holdings the Japanese organization makers of Denon and Marantz, and along the way they have purchased other brands like, among others, Snell and Boston Acoustic speakers. Magnepan is one of the few still manufacturing domestically in Minnesota.

I suspect it won't be long before D&M gradually guts McIntosh, using some of their generic "platforms" assembled in China, slapping a McIntosh faceplate on it, and profiting off the brand. It sounds laughable, but in a world where "audiophiles" will spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on relatively generic cabling with fancy techflex covers and (mumble)-plated connectors, anything is possible. smile


I think your comments just further exemplify how gullible some of the so-called "high-end" community is that in the case of McIntosh specifically, as long as they can have that characteristic front panel, they will continue to pay no matter the cost. Also, in reference to that, I can recall a recent review of McIntosh's new Blu-Ray player($8,000) that when all was said and done, sadly, its overall performance and features didn't even measure up to a mainstream $200 player(but of course, there is that McIntosh front panel).