I live in Silicon Valley, and I cannot tell you how many letters to the editor in the local paper show up ragging on Apple, for example. The gist always is, they are making money hand over fist, they should take some of that money and invest in manufacturing in the U.S.

What those people fail to understand, is that it's the fiduciary duty of the board and executives of the company to maximize profits for the shareholders. And to do that, they have to make their products in China. If they did try and bring manufacturing back here, profit margins would go down, and they could be sued.

I love capitalism and our market economy. But it is far from perfect.

With that said, what I would love to see, for example, is once Outlaw gets the 978 out and rolling, do a "higher" end version, made here in the US (by ATI), with better parts, and see what it would cost. But then the issue becomes, for those of us that would pay more for something made here, how much more would we pay? And are there enough of us for Outlaw (or any company, for that matter) to do a version made here?

"Proudly made in the U.S.A."

Personally, I've never put a number figure on it, but I could see paying up to 50% more for something of higher quality made here.
If it's not worth waiting until the last minute to do, then it's not worth doing.

KevinVision 7.1 ... New and Improved !!