Dnicely1, thanks for the input. And yes I do like my Yamaha quite a bit. It's pretty hard to beat free gear. The 2500 is actually a 7.1 rec. and has dolby prologic II, DTS ES and of course Dolby Digital EX. However, I want seperates for all the obvious benefits that come with them. I am so torn right now. I may even step into a much larger outlaw amp as well I just don't know. How about the dynamic feel of the 750 is it enough for you. I really want to make my speakers sound as if they have breath and are not just pumping air you know what I mean. Do you get that punch in the lows and the slap daddy in the mids. A kind of real fast powerfully charged response from your speakers. Describe how your speakers respond if you could please.

MY HOME THEATER PICTURES http://community.webshots.com/user/bonesnipe