Nice set up. Are you unhappy with The Yamaha? From what I've read the Yamaha only does 5.1, no DD es or DTS es, or pro logic 11x. Is this worth the upgrade to you? I had a Yamaha 5450( or something like that)along with the Rotel RB976(still have that). I replaced it with the 950/750 and haven't looked back.I am pondering the 990 myself.while your receiver is nicer than the one I had,there was a big differnce to me in seperation of channels with the 950.I would say with the thirty day return policy........YEA
Outlaw 950/750,Oppo 203/970 ,Definitive tech bp 7006,Definitive tech clr2500,infinity rs225 surrounds,Outlaw LFM-1 ,
Panamax 5100.