Originally Posted By: gonk
I think he means wifi is the problem - that network connections are fickle unless you're hard wired.

The PR-SC885 is very unpleasant to update firmware on. I did it once (without a trip to the shop) but it was a huge hassle to do. It was one of the biggest strikes against the unit, in my opinion, and a pretty bad black eye for Onkyo. If I had to pick a single method for firmware updating, I'd prefer USB over Ethernet. That's because anybody can download files onto a USB stick and - with at most the investment in a $10 USB stick. Not everyone will connect an Ethernet cable to their gear, but a product that relies on Ethernet only for their firmware updates (like the Marantz AV7005) will force them to either move the unit or run a really long cable temporarily for the purposes of doing the update. Of course, having both available works, too (as OPPO has been doing with their Blu-ray players).

I agree that using wifi for firmware updates is a bad idea. As to whether USB or Ethernet is better depends on the individual and his/her circumstances. As you said, if there is no Ethernet near the prepro then USB makes more sense. Conversely, if a jack is nearby, I think Ethernet updates would be better for three reasons:
1: No need for a PC or usb drive.
2: The ease of updating relative to having to use a PC located elsewhere.
3: No need for PC literacy. Though I suspect this won't be an issue for most 978 owners, Ethernet-based updating should be painless so long as the owner can plug in a jack and navigate a unit's menu (which will be required to set the unit up anyway).

As previously stated, usb updates work fine for me, and will be extra convenient as I will have a HTPC co-located with the 978.

Edited by EricTheBlue (03/19/11 11:04 AM)