Originally Posted By: rebop

The reason I bought the Oppo 95, and considered the Nuforce editions as well as Denon 2012, is for the best possible analog on MCH and 2 CH. But without analog inputs with bass management, I am unable to take advantage of these features. For now, I am am usable with 5.1 and have bass management working well. But two channel is either redigitized and downsampled or has no bass management. With HDMI (which my processor does not have) I am also somewhat limited on what would be lossless, no? In other words, would HDMI pass 2 channel 24/192 or downsample to 24/96?


Wouldn't an ICBM solve this for you? Not made anymore of course, but available used. Or the 950 prepro? I'll make you a really good deal when I finally decide on what to replace it with blush But it has no room correction abilities whatsoever. Actually, I'm in a somewhat similar situation regarding a new prepro, as I had my Oppo 980 modified to improve the analogue multichannel output.

Edit: Gonk beat me to it.

Edited by skiman (02/02/11 02:14 PM)
Waiting for the HDMI prepro