Originally Posted By: Ritz2
Perhaps we could get a frank assessment from Outlaw's team about what they can and cannot do in terms of new products?

To be frank, I'm looking at the current offerings and I'm not seeing anything unique. 5 years ago when I parted with about $4k to get a mostly Outlaw theater system, I did that because nobody else offered what I got for the same $$$. That just isn't the case anymore. What I am seeing is lots of "well, we'll have XYZ real soon now...honest...any day now...well, as soon as supplier X can deliver or doesn't go out of business or whatever."

Aside from reselling ATI gear, exactly what can I look forward to? Re-badging Chinese-made stuff from (pick a vendor) doesn't work for me. Give me something I can sink my teeth into and get excited about. The HPAS stuff is somewhat interesting, but seems unaffordable for what I would consider the typical Outlaw buyer (maybe I'm mistaken on that front...hell, I make a pretty good living, but spending several grand on a pair of speakers is pushing it).

I'm becoming bored with the brand. Wake me up.

I want to continue to be an Outlaw customer, but I've become a bit jaded by recent (if the last couple of years could be called recent) events.

Thanks for your time.

I can't help but agree with you. As a long-time customer as well, I watched awaiting the eventual arrival of the 997 only to be notified well down the road it was not going to be released and then going to be replaced by the "new and improved" 998. Then after several months out of nowhere comes the announcement that a model 978 will precede the 998! It IS not hard to get jaded as to what exactly will be the final outcome, if any, as to what will eventually transpire with an actual NEW product.

It is interesting to note and actually quite ironic that in Outlaw selling a couple of the Marantz units that they(Marantz) have already announced and soon to be on the market an AVR and Pre-Pro in the $1500 range with most of the latest features that will probably offer the greatest competition to whatever Outlaw eventually introduces. As well, internet "scuttlebut" has indicated ATI(of course, the co. that builds many Outlaw pwr amps) is about to buy up the assets of another esoteric company, B&K. With such uncertainty, over the last couple of years, and the lack of new product announcements, is such a scenario in the future of Outlaw? One would hope not, however, the consumer electronics industry, for quite some time now, has been in a state of consolidation.

It should be interesting.