Originally Posted By: FilmMixer
It would have to be a "post decode" type of processing....
Sure. If it is global, then it can occur after format decoding and surround processing but before slicing-n-dicing the signal (bass management, time alignment, etc). However, if it is on a per-speaker basis (as Onkyo/Integra have implemented), then it would have to be one of the last steps before output.

BTW, having tone control or manual EQ per speaker brings up an interesting use: timbre matching. Measure a sweep through your centre speaker, measure the same sweep through your left front speaker; adjust the left speaker to more closely match the centre. Then do the same with the left front and left side, working your way around the room.

We're not talking perfection here, just getting different speakers in different locations to sound more similar to each other than they normally would. At the very least, it would bring a level of consistency to your system that it's never had before.
The 972 locks you out of everything when Trinnov is engaged...
Good grief, I hope the 998 allows a little more flexibility than that. I can understand locking you out of features when using the Speaker Re-mapping function, which relies on phantom imaging to re-align the soundstage and could be ruined by futzing with critical parameters such as time alignement, levels, etc. But when using Trinnov just for room correction, you should have access to some controls that allow you to shape the sound to taste.
On a side note, after 24 hours of having it in my system, I had found and reported around 6 major issues to SN, including a full scale digital noise blast about 5 feet from my ears.....
Ouch. That can't be good for someone who relies on their ears to make a living.
I am so glad that Outlaw has gone down the road they are.... I cannot w ait to see what they are going to come up with. smile
Likewise. Even though it was a difficult announcement for Outlaw, I secretly smiled at the news of 997 being replaced by the 998.