Requested features for Model 998, in no particular order of preference:

1. Back-lit Remote Control (see Oppo BDP-83 remote)

2. Panel display that is not only dimmable, but may be completely turned-off; this is a feature highly prized during movie watching (again, refer to the Oppo BDP-83)

3. No cooling fan! Design it to dissipate any heat with heat-sinks only.

4. Top-quality audio (it's all about the sound).

5. Top-quality video (it's almost all about the sound).

And features that don't need to be included:

a. Satellite radio.

b. 3D video. Get real, this always seems to come and go throughout the years, and I don't really feel like wearing a pair of glasses just to watch tv; my vision is just fine thank you.

c. Streaming audio and/or video.

d. Wireless connectivity.

e. Anything associated with gaming.

f. Any other fad that will disappear in the near future. Simply do audio and video processing without the gimmicks; I'd rather have the money going into the quality of the sound and video instead of useless "bells and whistles."

Edited by md (03/13/10 11:55 PM)