It was hard to tell from the announcement if the 998 development is too far along for any changes or modifications, or if all of the features are locked in.

If there is any flexibility, I'd like to suggest the following:

  • Ethernet connection for firmware updates, media library connections, and/or internet radio
  • Built-in HD radio, along with high-quality AM/FM tuners
  • Larger display, with dimmable settings. The 990 is hard to read across the room. A larger panel would make that easier, and the ability to set different brightness settings would be really helpful for various applications. For example, in a darkened home theater room, the 990 is glaringly bright. But, if it were any dimmer, it would be very hard to read in a sunlit room.
  • Front panel USB port for firmware upgrades. If an ethernet port can't be used, this is the second best solution. Please, don't put it on the back of the unit, though. It makes it really difficult for those of us with rack systems to try and contort our arms to reach the port, without being able to see it. If it were hidden behind a panel on the front, upgrading the firmware would be a piece of cake.

The 998 looks like a very intereresting product. I can't wait until later this year to see all of the features, and hear it's all of it's capabilities.
