Thought I'd share this here rather than starting a new thread. I was at a b&m dealer over the weekend, and I was talking with the owner about pre/processors, and I brought up the 997 that was based on the SN 972 which used Trinnov. At that, he lit up and told me that the SN rep had been in a week or so ago, and hooked up a receiver to 5 different brand speakers in his showroom. He said he fired it up and it sounded like you'd expect hooked up to 5 different speakers...'like crap'. Then, the rep ran the setup program which, he said, took about 20 minutes. After that was done, the rep put in a movie again and the dealer said it was the 'most freaking amazing thing I'd ever heard in over 30 years in audio". He said the sound was cohesive, the speakers sounded timbre matched, and there was sound 'everywhere' in the showroom...he said it was incredible. He doesn't carry SN but said he was tempted to take them on, though he wasn't sure he could sell Sherwood Newcastle in his market as 'no one knows who they are'. He was really impressed with the Trinnov though. Sounds promising for all waiting for the 997.
Pioneer VSX-1120
Salk Songbirds, SongCenter, SongSurrounds
Panasonic BDP-45
Outlaw LFM-2

2 Channel:
Red Dragon M-500 monoblocks
Salk HT-1TL's
Apple TV
Beresford 7520 DAC
Surgex XS10