Originally Posted By: gonk

I really think that Lexicon's biggest mistake (or at least the mistake that has led most directly to them getting caught at this) was their decision to base their player on the most extensively-reviewed Blu-ray player of 2009. Every reviewer (at least every informed reviewer, which appears to exclude the guy at HTR) has used the BDP-83, many have opened them, and many still have the player close at hand for a direct visual inspection.

At BEST, we've got an inept reviewer. At worst, it's clearly a case of payola for a positive review against (as Gonk mentioned) one of the most widely reviewed units around and what I'd consider to be the benchmark of quality for a higher end player.

I still can't believe the pair of big brass ones at Lexicon. I mean c'mon, did they think that nobody was going to look inside? Jeebus....