HDMI upgrades and 3D HDTV reek of planned obsolescence for those HDTVs, Pre/Pros and Receivers we all went out and splurged on in the last couple of years. Same with Selective Output control. I guarantee you that you'll see that popping up in content just as soon as HDTV sales start to drop off, and all of the early adopters with component-only sets are forced to toss an otherwise good HDTV. What happened to the promise of ongoing firmware support in the digital age?

And while I'm ranting, what's with 3D all of a sudden? Am I seriously expected to believe that these guys are going to transform the way I watch HD when half of the BDs I've seen look as if they're upscaled from the DVD versions? 3D is effective when the screen takes up 110 degrees of your view in the theater, and everything is big and impressive and makes you duck when it comes flying at you. Even with the big TVs in homes now, you'd have to sit right in front of it to get the same impact from the effect. And now I have to wear glasses to watch TV? I'd sooner wear a tinfoil hat, and mind you I'm starting to think that's a good idea.