This is really interesting. I'd been regularly reading about a few close competitors including the Integra/Onkyo line thinking--really--that if only Outlaw offered a pre/pro with the Onkyo's specs I'd be very quick to pull the trigger. The two missing features for me were the phono preamp and an HD tuner; my room is too small and well-designed for the room correction stuff to make a difference.

Time to make a really quick decision, but I haven't figured out what the downside might be. First step is reading the Outlaw guide. (Has anyone else tried to download the actual Onkyo manual? Doesn't seem to work, but I haven't tried very much.)
Onkyo 886, Outlaw 7100, LFM-1
Allison Ones F/R
Gallo Nucleus Micros surrounds
Outlaw LCR center
LiteOn 5005 DVD recorder
Dual 1219 phono
Ion Tape2PC USB
Harmony 620
Samsung HLR5078W