
My Sony BDP-S560 Blu-ray player, which I bought new in August, is a very good player. It is made in Malaysia.

For audio and video performance (through its HDMI output) it is the equal of the Oppo ( and anything else in its price range). It lacks SACD and DVD-A capability; but if you were into those formats you probably still have your old player anyhow.

I paid $243.97 delivered for the Sony. That's half the price (or less) of the Oppo. (There goes the old "but I saved a bundle by buying made-in-China" argument!)

Sony's not exactly an unheard-of brand, and it did not take me long to identify this player, and its non-china pedigree. I'm no big fan of Sony (and they've cause me some grief in the past) but I'll gladly buy from them so long as they produce products that are not made in China.

It's also why I bought the Onkyo 886 instead of waiting for the 997.

It's also why I never bought an Outlaw sub - although for all of a bunch of other reasons I wanted one.

While a little difficult to do so, it's not impossible (nor even close to impossible) to find products that are not made in China. I do all of the time. Examples of non-Chinese things I've bought this week alone: shoes (Brazil); winter golf gloves (India); golf balls (USA; underwear (Costa Rica). Was not hard to avoid China.

Don't buy Chinese products - and write to the companies who you didn't buy from and tell them why you did not buy theirs.

I talked to an Oppo rep earlier this year who deeply regretted his/her company's practice of manufacturing in China. He/she wished it were not so. Trust me, if upon its release nobody bought the BDP-83, and wrote to say why not, production would have moved elsewhere overnight. If the excuse is that they need to do so in order to preserve the bottom line, losing a ton of sales will affect that bottom line even more.

Sorry but I don't buy the "they are all made in China" argument.

Suggestion: send the Oppo back as soon as it arrives. Tell them why. Go out and buy something else.
Jeff Mackwood