I purchased my first Outlaw Audio component (amp) about two years ago, and followed that with a 970 processor to hold me over until the 997 was ready for shipping. I had stumbled across a review of one of Outlaw's processors, and then further investigated Outlaw's products and customer support and was hooked.

Here it is over 1 1/2 years later and still no 997!

However, during this time frame I have seen a well-respected company falter; albeit not 100% their fault with respect to the 997, but, nonetheless, Outlaw must take their fair of the blame.

Although this may not be Outlaw's intent, but, as it appears to me, Outlaw looks like it is becoming merely a private-labeled re-packager of other company's products or a mini-amazon (offering other companies' products online) and not an innovative forward-thinking company and designer of their own products. It seems like almost every recent message from Outlaw is for the promotion of another company's goods.

As for the 997 debacle, if Outlaw hasn't done so already, then they really need to find a new partnership for the design and manufacturer of their processors. Perhaps Outlaw has already done this and the offering of the Onkyo is the prelude to a forth-coming announcement of the two companies' partnership. Outlaw could also be more forthcoming with their position of readiness with the 997; that is, once the contractually required delay period has passed with the R-972, will the 997 be immediately available for shipment or, will it be delayed for many months while Outlaw "continues to work out any bugs?"

And while they are looking for a new partner, why not look for an American company, located here, in the United States? I know I wouldn't mind paying a modest premium for a "Made in U.S.A." product.

I do hope Outlaw takes this reply constructively and as an insight into what some of their customer may be thinking.

It is not too late, but, you really need to stop peddling other companies' products; lest you want to lose more respect of your current and potential customers. Outlaw Audio should be a designer/seller of products, not an online retail outlet of products like bestbuy.com, walmart.com or target.com, etc.