Originally posted by Retep:
Apparently Noah over at avsforums has jumped ship and returned his 972 and went with a Denon.
Originally posted by XenonMan:
From what I have read over there, Noah went through quite a tussle trying to get the firmware updates out of SN only to find they didn't fix the issues.
Boy, if Noah gave up on the 972, things must be very, very bad. eek

He had really been trying to get his 972 to work, put in a lot of effort, and it seemed like he remained very loyal to SN though the process, despite the plethora of vocal detractors.

This can't be good news for Sherwood Newcastle, at all. It's going to be a hard sell to audiophiles at this point. It would be hard to imagine a worse way to market a "new" two to three year old product.

I really hope that the Outlaw version can overcome this setback, but the way the two companies are involved will probably end up tainting their efforts from a lot of consumer's viewpoints. They will have their work cut out for them.
