Originally posted by Noah:
"I thought that on AVS Jeff from SN claimed that 972's were now shipping and were trickling into the retail channel?"

I've been following the threads at AVS and AFAIK Jeff said many weeks ago that by now they would be shipping, which is very different than what you said.
I guess I've been following them more closely as what he said is not different from what I said.

Here's what Jeff said earlier this month:

"We have now shipped a small number of R-972's to our reps, distributors and a handful of dealers. The number shipped so far is minute. In total, it is barely more than one per state. From my memory, 6 dealers received units. I suspect they are all sold..."

That sounds like they are trickling into dealers. So what I said is correct.

If you want to claim that Jeff is lying you can go right ahead. I for one, believe him.

Now I suppose you could quibble and claim that that doesn't count because they are not shipping in enough quantity that someone could go into a store and buy one. First, that is like claiming a Christmas or two ago that Nintendo Wii's weren't really shipping because you couldn't find one in a store because they weren't shipping in enough volume. But seriously, I didn't claim Jeff said they were shipping in volume and were in wide distribution. I said Jeff said they were trickling in, which is the gist of what he said -- and is very different from what you suggested. Yup, it does sound smarmy to me. :p

No doubt SN won't claim the receiver has "launched" until they have thousands of them to ship. For the handful of people who were able to buy one, however, I doubt they think their new toy is imaginary.

Moreover, it sounds like the early adopters aren't going to have every feature available.

Noah, are you Noah Katz?