Apropos of nothing:

I just visited a site I hadn't been to in awhile, and something funny happened. I couldn't remember my password, so the site prompted me to answer a security question…we all know the drill, the question is something you actually chose when you first signed in, usually something like, "your mother's maiden name" or the "the town you were born in."

What's odd is that my question was, "What's your favorite movie?", which totally threw me because normally my reflex would be to never choose that question…I've seen waaayyyyy too many great films for the answer to remain fixed. But after about 30 seconds of thought (i.e., piecing together a time frame of when I first registered for the site), I guessed: Dogville by Lars Von Trier. That was it!

Now, to be totally honest I'm still not sure that's my favorite movie (it's actually more like a video of a piece of theater), but the performances (Nicole Kidman, Paul Bettany, Ben Gazzara, Lauren Bacall) clearly made an impression. Warning to anyone interested: You can't come to Von Trier's work looking for anything lighthearted; the worst possible outcome always ends up happening. I remember Dogville angering a lot of people at the time, so maybe that's a better recommendation than I can give. Just thought I'd share…
This ain't for the underground. This here is for the sun."
-Saul Williams