The general answer is "No." You don't say how long your cables need to be, or whether you would/could biwire them. Several years ago I replaced my antique 2-channel system with a Classe integrated amp. I retired the antique ADC 303AXs for B&W towers. I found that a pair of DH Labs Q10 cables made a big difference over my old lamp cord. New DH Labs cables are only moderately pricey, but you can buy them used, in good condition for about 1/2 the cost of new ones. I did that for the mains in my HT setup. But I bought bulk cable from Blue Jeans Cable for the surrounds, and that works fine and cost about $1 a foot for 4-conductor cable.

So skip the exotic stuff, or, if you're hankering for some, buy it used on Audiogon/eBay.
Robert S. Becker, Esq.