Hi all,

I got a 7700 a couple months ago, and have a question about the power-on process.

Whether turning on from the button in the front (Manual On -- according to the manual) or from the 12v trigger (Automatic On), the behavior looks about the same: the standby-red LED continues to glow on the power button for about 20ish seconds, then there are some relay clicks and the power button turns blue.

This all seems as expected, and the manual says that "This pause is intentional,
and it protects your speakers from damage while the amplifier stabilizes."

However -- the amp is amplifying audio during this time. Anything sent from the pre-amp is amplified and sent to the speakers. That doesn't sound like much of a preventative measure. I thought the goal was the mute the amp until it stabilized?

Is this normal? Shouldn't it be muted until the amp has stabilized?
