I went about this kind of bassackwards, but it looks as if it worked well. Picked up my Sanus 6 shelf rack last winter and though a bit pricey, it looks elegant and is practical. It has the extra inch in depth (19" usable) than many other racks I looked at. Then I jumped on the Integra DTC 9.8 bandwagon and picked that up a month ago. I've been reading about the 7500 for some time, thinking I should buy it. I was one happy camper who was glad he waited because it went on sale, along with free shipping, and it then became a no-brainer - I ordered it yesterday. I haven't heard (read) of anyone who has paired the 9.8 with the 7500, and will let you all know how that goes.

Yippee-yi-o-ki-ay, I'm an outlaw!
"Boys never grow up...their toys just get bigger and more expensive" - my ex

Def Tech BP2002 w/powered subs
Def Tech CLR 2300 center
Paradigm ADP 350 surrounds
Integra DTC 9.8
Outlaw 7500
Oppo 980 DVD, SACD, DVD-A player