I will unplug the trigger cable from both ends and reinsert it. I spliced the brand new 12 gage wire and put 8 banana plugs on each of their respective ends and I was very careful to make sure that everything was connected properly. If the amp did go into protection mode because a speaker cable shorted itself somewhere, is there a way to remedy the situation?
Outlaw 990/7700, Oppo DV-981HD, Gallo S.A.Amp, Nucleus Ref. 3.1, AV C, AV M, TR-2, Paradigm Atom, Pioneer PDP-4214HD, Mtrola DCT6200/2005

Outlaw 990, Aragon 8008X3, 8008, Denon 3930CI, Dahlquist DQ20, Outlaw LFM-1+, Paradigm Atom, Mtrola DCT3416 I