Correct, you can't learn them very well: My Pronto couldn't either.
Suppose they have a different carrier from 36 kHz.
But the commands are the same as for the "digital subwoofers" from Velodyne, which are much more commonly bought than their offspring the SMS-1.
You can find these files @, but I don't know if they are available for other formats than the Pronto's pcf and ccf files.
But if you can open one of these you can "steal" the hexadecimal codes - hopefully you can then paste them into your remote.
If you can get some hex code off your remote you can post it in one of the forums @ and I'm sure some kind soul will figure out what it is.
I'm also happy to send you my PCF file for the SMS1 with all the codes- however some I can't get to repeat themselves, so you can't just keep a figure altering "button" pressed, you have to tap and tap and tap...