
I've finally gotten home with my new SMS-1 in hand.

I've just run through the auto-EQ procedure twice - and am now thoroughly confused by the results - or lack thereof.

I followed the quick start instructions on page 8 of the manual.

I'm driving three subs from one output. They are all active - and were level balanced with respect to each other before I introduced the SMS-1 into the equation.

I've hooked the video output up to my monitor.

When I do the 3-2-1 sequence the test tone sweeps come on, and the display shows a perfectly flat trace, for each and every sweep, from the lowest frequency (15HZ) until just beyond 100Hz. None of the sliders move at all. Just a perfectly flat line from bottom to top - with but a little wee tiny "blip" at around 50Hz.

Now I know I've gone to some lengths to position these three subs to give me flat response to start with. But a perfectly flat line? Not possible. The manual says that I should be seeing the EQ adjustments as they happen. There's lots of rumbling going on during the sweeps, and the trace does peter out in a staircase fashion above 100Hz, but below that it's a flat trace - with no slider movement. The very first trace when the auto-EQ comes on ramps up on the first pass, but every one after that looks identically flat.

So what's going wrong?

I have another question as well.

Once the SMS-1 finishes this auto-EQ function, it then returns to the Introductory Screen and shows that I'm on 4. Assuming that the SMS-1 actually did something during the auto-EQ function, how do I then access the result? Is this applied to all of the presets as some form of baseline EQ - from which the presets then change things from there? So which setting ("custom", EQ defaet") accesses just the result of the auto-EQ with nothing else applied?

Sorry for the potentially dumb questions but I'm having a tough time finding anything of use in this regard in the manual.

Thanks in advance for any help.
Jeff Mackwood