Well, I thought I had made up my mind in keeping the Para. Studio 60 for fronts and going with in-walls for surrounds and rear center until I had a chance to audition the M&K 750 THX MII Front/Center and S-550 surrounds this week.

These are great small speakers, now I am back to square one! I probably could live with these or the M&K S-125 as fronts.

Anyone knows if the 7100 can drive these 4-Ohms speakers efficiently? I only have a week left with the 30 days return guarantee.

7100 Power Output (FTC):

7 x 100 watts @ 8 ohms, 20 - 20kHz, 0.05% THD, All Channels Driven
7 x 165 watts @ 4 ohms, 20 - 20kHz, 0.05% THD, All Channels Driven