Hey All,

I just had a GREAT jamming time to Led Zeppelin using my PC to the 1070. I have the Days Confused 1975 Dallas, Texas Bootleg and also the boot of the 1970 show at the Royal Albert Hall in London (1970) which have been around a long time and was placed on the released DVD 2 discs.

Both of these of awesome SBD's and I have them as FLAC files. Using winamp alone , the output is too low. The DSP DFX 8.0 allows me to use dsp withoput sounding too digital. I raise fidelity to One, and both Dynamic Boost and Hyperbass to two.

My Denon 3930Ci is a top level Player and I am still waiting for it to be returned from repair.

I find myself listening to classical music with the Denon and the depth is so lovely to enjoy.

Using my PC I an nutty about Led Zep. I feel I can reach out and touch Bonzo. The HSU VTF-2 MK2 sub really shines here. The bass on Dazed and Confused through the sub sound likes bass and not the excess boom.

My M-Audio Revolution 7.1 really is a great card and it almost 3 years old. The newest Auzentech X-Meridian will beat it hand down and I will use that for my next PC.

Next up is my HDTV. I am leaning toward the new Sony KDS55A2020 LCOS unit. This can really shine and not cost so much compared to LCD and Plasma.

I will be at the HE show in NYC next moth. I can't wait ot meet the Outlaws: Scott, Steve and the President, Peter.

Rock on Outlaw Audio!
Outlaw 1070, Anthem MCA5 II amp.
Sony Ps3
Alon 2 Mk2 Loudspeakers
HSU VTF-2 Mk2 sub x2
VAC PA100/100 Tube Amp
ARC SP16-L tube Preamp
Audio Note Dac 2.1 "B" signature
Furutech E-TP80,
Ascend HTM-200, 340C
Sony KDS-55A2020