Just thought I'd post an update. After reading, rewiring a bit, fooling around, and phone call to Outlaw, it seems most of all my issues are resolved and my system is sounding a whole lot better.

Even though I do understand things more, I still went on record as not liking how the default modes work. But Steve at Outlaw provided me with the workarounds and a bit of education about base management at the same time. The base management seems to be quite a challenge for me since my living room is 28x32. I did however express my opinion that the default digital mode should stick if changed in the configuration menu. Or at least add the choice of Auto in the digital audio mode so I can choose off of it. But that's just 1 opinion.

I did calibrate my 7.1 with the tones from the DVD player and ther rest with the 1070 just so that both sources were calibrated. But that may change as I play more or get Avia out. I didn't worry to much about the sub since I seem to always be in there trimming up or down. Which reminds me... I wish the trim menu would remember the last speaker you trimmed, which is usually my sub..

Anyway, it's all good. I'm really happy with the way it's performing. And the support is fantastic.

Which by the way, Outlaws if you haven't walked behind Steve and patted him on the back lately, please do so. He's a marvelous resource!

Sony KDS60A3000
Panasonic XP-50
Outlaw Audio 990 Receivers (2)
Outlaw Audio 7125 Amps (2)
Outlaw Audio 7125 Amplifier
Paradigm Studio 40's
Paradigm Studio CC
Paradigm ADP-470
2-SVS 20-39 / S700
Outlaw Audio X13 Ultra
Past Owner of:
Outlaw Audio 1050
OUtlaw Audio 1070
Outlaw Audio ICBM