Without doubt, it’s simple to spend a fortune on really great drivers and crossovers, and have it sound horrible.
Nicely worded warning noted, - and taken to heart, that’s why there would have to be a lot of planning and resources gathered to get into this. But it might be fun trying. In his first life when young my husband worked at a cabinet shop which did custom penthouses etc. that’s the only step in the process we would have handled.

The cabinets really a minor, just icing on the cake, and I know that. Its like a beautiful woman with no brain, you can only ‘look’ for so long, and then she speaks…..

I’ve seen it argued often that a good speaker which can handle 2-channel beautifully will always be more adept at producing an HT experience but I completely agree with you Jason. All the psychological distractions of HT make it much easier to enjoy an HT experience with speakers not so blessed with that ‘hi-fi’ sound.