Thank you I guess in my backdoor method that was partially what I was digging for. Opinions on the specific specs on my speakers with the 770.

I think its good odds, the vibration incident was set off by a combo of the son moving things in the attic, and a song that hit the right frequency to start it off. I checked the screw which adjusts tilt/turn on the bracket, it is loose, (need to find the little tighten provided) and rotating the speaker ‘tames’ the vibration.
So hopefully, I have not blown anything yet!
The 950 can be absolutely sublime with the right mix of source and setup, I believe I’d like to know what it could do with a broader frequency range. I do need to factor in any future buy, my tendency to crank it up when its sounds good and the FOL that the younger guys will consistently push any system.
I think its time to start paying attention to speaker threads

I did head out the door to look at those ‘nifty’ Bose size speakers, but came home with the Def Techs, so I put what limited capability of ‘thought’ I had into it. I ended up taking it on ‘paper’ faith, while researching could not access the models in stock within a shopping range I could get to during my crunched timeframe. Just located a dealer and ordered without a demo.

I have them crossed over at 80 right now. I’ve played with 120 and 100, and the effects are generally not as across all sources pleasing as leaving them at 80. I need to study up on the sub integration, (I’ve never even read my sub manual so I need to brush up there). When using 120, I think I had something on the sub out of whack, which resulted in some gaps between the crossovers.

One ‘effect’ that impressed me on 'Donnie Darko' was the utterly seamless soundstage on the thunder track rolling from L to R and Fronts to backs. Now that was nifty and a rather nice “Outlaw Moment”.

Ugh back to work.
Thanks again Jason.