
I disagree with you completely.

Oppo's new BD player will most certainly affect sales of their current DVD product line. They are doing the smart thing and letting people who would otherwise buy something now from someone else know that, with a little patience, they can buy an Oppo BD player "this Winter." That's enough to cause me to put off buying a new Sony unit - since I can be patient AND since I know it will have the features that I'm looking for.

My point is that Outlaw could do the same: tell us what they are planning to release and when. Not a date. Just a season! If they don't know what features they are planning, at this stage of the game, then I'm concerned.

There are units on the market now that offer all that I am looking for - and not for a price terribly greater than what we might expect from Outlaw for its next gen. But I'm a strange duck in these times: a loyal customer. I'd prefer to buy Outlaw. Always said so. But Outlaw's not making it easy.

Throw us a bone guys!

Jeff Mackwood
Jeff Mackwood